Two bins

Keep two storage bins always accessible.

One Bin for Future Capsules

  • These are items that may not fit this season’s theme, but are otherwise fine, and might be great for a future capsule

  • This bin can also hold 1 or 2 pieces for a special event – like a wedding or funeral – that are necessary but better stored out of sight

One Bin for Seasonal Items

  • These are dramatically different pieces that you won’t need until the weather shifts

  • For example sandals, shorts, turtleneck

Keep your bins somewhere out of sight, like the basement, attic, or a room dedicated to storage.

Clear the clutter

Next, let’s get rid of the things you don’t need. Here are three great ways.

Give to Friends and Family

  • You can easily host a clothing swap between a small group of friends or at the next family gathering

Upcycle or Recycle

  • Take old clothes and turn them into dishrags, washrags, or pieces that can be used around the house

  • If you’re going to use a service to recycle your old clothes, just make sure to do your research first: it’s important to verify that your clothes are actually being recycled and not just thrown into a landfill

Donate or Sell

  • Find a local homeless shelter or nonprofit that will actively use the clothes to dress others rather than those that plan to “sell” them in a store

  • Send or sell your clothes to places like ThredUp and Poshmark

No matter which direction you decide to go, know that just being conscious of how you dispose of your clothes is a MAJOR step toward protecting our home.

Don’t worry about doing it perfectly, just try to do it sustainably.