What To Do With Your Accessories When You Have a Capsule Wardrobe?

Accessories are a tough subject which is why we when we were first creating Capsules we originally left it out of our initial process. The thing about accessories is they are so versatile. You could wear the same exact outfit 3 days in a row and with the right accessories make it look new every time.

Once you've capsuled your wardrobe, swapping out different accessories is a great way to change up your look! However, if you have the same amount of clutter around your accessories and are feeling that inner pit in your stomach then it probably means you have one too many. If that sounds about right, we think using the same process to capsule your wardrobe makes total sense.

FIRST, try picking out some of your favorite pieces to use for one season.

NEXT, put the rest out of sight. You may find, as most people do, that you have a decent amount of accessories that didn't make it into your capsule, but you're also not quite ready to get rid of them. That's okay! Put those accessories in a bin for now and get them out of sight. Then, next season when the weather changes and you're creating your next capsule wardrobe, pull them back out again and take another look.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST, when the next season arrives, you can pull out your other accessories and swap some of the pieces you love. It will trigger the same emotions you sense when you shop without the guilt of having to spend more money.

Capsuling is an ongoing learning experience. It’s not meant be perfected, instead it’s about the journey. So you may have a newfound perspective on some of those items after you've been living with a capsule wardrobe for a few months.

You’ll learn a lot about the clothes and accessories you really love, and the things that were in fact just a passing trend. When you revisit those pieces in a couple months you may find that there’s some items you put so far out of your mind that maybe they aren't worth keeping. Therein lies the beauty of creating a capsule.

Not sure how to style your accessories? Check out this video.


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