I’m Erin Flynn, Cladwell Founder
Welcome! I’m the founder of the personal styling app called Cladwell.
Here is where I frequently write, curate, and share honest stories about what it’s like to build a business, live with intention and style.
Transparency lives here. So glad you made it.
on my mind this week…

Ready To Fly
With sand in between my toes, sweat drops pooling along my hairline and the ocean waves breaking at my feet – I broke.
It had been an incredibly difficult two years. After our business went bust, I was left picking up the pieces of both the company and the broken partnership that left me feeling wounded. Trying to put everything back together in the midst of a global pandemic was like working on a 2000-piece puzzle with no image of how it all fits together. It all felt like a failure.
After rebuilding the Cladwell team, launching two apps entirely from scratch, and finally fulfilling my 18-month commitment of no salary, I hit my breaking point. Then, right there on the beach, I saw it as clear as day.
A young seagull, with the tiniest of feet, took off running in a full sprint across the sand. Then, just inches from my chair, the bird lifted into the air with absolute ease. It wasn’t that I’d never seen a seagull fly, it was that I’d never paid attention to what happens just before its flight. Sun beaming on my face & salt in the air, I had a breakthrough.
Switching from standing to flying in an instant is nearly impossible. Unnatural, even. The seagull needed a transition. From belly up to overnight success is completely unnatural. And I had been running – full sprint – unaware of the abundance of grace that lives in the transition. The space between point A (acquiring Cladwell) and point B (coming into my own) was the time I needed to heal, find my footing and aim for something new.
The beach vacation ended, but as I went home I knew deep down I was finally ready to lift off.
“You were born beautiful, but it’s easy to doubt that. We take time to help you gain confidence in your own unique style — because being yourself is always on trend.”
Sam Hills has as a mission we can get behind. Not only is he a family man, hair stylist, professional confidence booster and grade A hugger… he is also the founder of HIGH FIVE SALON in Cincinnati, Ohio. When a salon could be pegged as vanity hub & gossip pitstop, High Five Salon does it different. They remind people of their true worth and empower them to shine authentically. I hope this kind of message spreads like wildfire in the beauty industry and beyond.