Welcome! I’m the founder of the personal styling app called Cladwell.
Here is where I frequently write, curate, and share honest stories about what it’s like to build a business, live with intention and style.
Transparency lives here. So glad you made it.
I’m Erin Flynn, Cladwell Founder

Billions or Bust
I remember it like it was yesterday. The moment I knew the company I’d come to love was dead.
Amidst a massive, 3-day business debate with the other two leaders, I felt completely alone. Leaning back in my chair, I stared at the ugly gray storage cabinets while fighting back tears. Not sad tears; tears of anger boiling over. As a business, we were at a major crossroads, spiraling.
Just a few months earlier, we had taken on a new investor out of sheer desperation. We knew it was bad money, giving up the power in our company in exchange for very little, but we wanted the connections and needed to make payroll. I believed we could be a profitable business, potentially worth millions, by staying true to our vision. But the sway of the new investors had us throwing away a million dollars in revenue for a Silicon Valley pipe dream. With them in the driver’s seat, it was a billion dollars or bust.
So, founder vs founder, we argued. In my gut I felt abandoning our business model at that stage was risky, irresponsible, even stupid. But it was two executives versus one, and the pressure to be like other tech giants—but better—was crushing. Hands clammy, adrenaline coursing through my veins, I felt voiceless in the fight. I was literally outmanned.
My stomach sank deep into that black, cushionless office chair. I wondered, “What will Cladwell become? How do we protect our team and their jobs?” The gray cabinets just silently stared back.
That day, I lost the fight. At the mercy of the investors, we abandoned our mission and changed directions entirely. Within the year, the deal I doubted drove us straight into the ground. The business and team we worked so hard to build crumbled into pieces. We went bust.
But at the end, when the others resolved to walk away, I couldn’t. I couldn’t shake the feeling that, for me, it wasn’t quite over. What they saw as the right moment to say goodbye, I saw as the right moment to start fresh.
And so it began…again.
on my mind this week…
Alex Mill’s Jumpsuit
Alex Mill makes one of my favorite jumpsuits OF ALL TIME! They are known for creating the "15 second outfit." I can attest to the high quality of this brand and to the 15 seconds it takes to put on one of their jumpsuits. It's not cheap, but will last forever.

Let’s Talk Rentals
I love a good rental. Especially for events I only attend once a year, but I've been struggling with this idea that "renting" is sustainable. @Zainab.Slow.Fashion tackles this topic. What stood out to me is this:
'The main problem, Härri notes, is that rentals are premised on the idea of cycling through trends quickly. And no matter how you try to keep up with trends, either by buying fast fashion or renting, the outcome is never sustainable. “Buying fewer clothes and wearing them repeatedly is really the opposite of fast fashion,” she says. “For the fashion industry to become more sustainable, both consumers and brands need to move away from the entire concept of fast fashion.”'
If our culture still has the mindset that we always need to have new clothes cycling through our wardrobe, rental or not aside, what type of lifestyle does that encourage? If renting instead of buying is a step towards sustainability for you, GO FOR IT. But if using a rental platform is your reasoning for keeping up with fashion - it might be time to rethink your fashion philosophies.

…BUT, we can ALL repeat our favorite outfits.
Listen up, it's 2022. We've lived through a pandemic where pants weren't even necessary so I think it's about time we change the conversation and normalize outfit repeats. Let go of the pressure to wear a new outfit every day, it only fuels overconsumption and consumerism.
If you want to take one giant and simple step into a more sustainable life, repeat your favorite outfits.
We can't all raise our own chickens and sew our own clothes…
Not everything in your wardrobe needs to reflect your personal style, but the core signature items do. Here are a few of my signature items - and worn for this photoshoot to show different aspects of my personal style. It’s uncomfortable for me to be in front of the camera, but I’m excited to share how they turned out.
Signature Style
all portraits by Kortnee Kate