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What is a capsule wardrobe?

Like the name suggests, a capsule is a minimal, interchangeable wardrobe, using only the clothes you love to wear.

But what exactly does that mean? It just means that you love and wear 100% of the clothing in your closet - and that might be only 30 items or it might, well, be more than that.

Think about what you wear every day: that favorite tee, that specific pair of light wash jeans, that well-fitting dress. That’s what you wear. And you wear it because it fits you, your lifestyle, and your tastes. The rest of your clothing is simply taking up space in your closet. Sometimes we buy clothes just because they’re cheap or new. Over time, this creates clutter in our homes, hearts, and minds. The reality is that we only wear 20% of the clothing in our closets, so creating a capsule simply means reducing our closets to only those “favorite items” we reach for every morning anyway.

That’s the dream-closet, people. Now, how we do get there?

The real key to creating a wardrobe we love is to slow down and change the way we think about our clothes and our shopping habits. 


Put all your clothing (for this season) into the Cladwell Daily Outfits app (for reals, do it), and log what you wear every day. To log an outfit, choose one of the daily recommended outfits or choose an outfit possibility from your closet - you can even edit the suggested outfit if you already have something in mind for the day. It's important to log your outfits, because then the app will show you what you're actually wearing and your daily outfit suggestions will get better and better.


By logging your outfits, you’ll see what percentage of your total closet you’re wearing. And you’ll be able to see what items you wear less frequently or simply not at all. This is the most natural “closet cleanout” in all the land. Move these unworn items to the goodwill box or store them away if you're not quite emotionally ready to give them away. It’s that simple. Slowly your wardrobe will take the shape of only clothing you love.


The phrase “personal style” is a daunting one - but Cladwell Daily Outfits takes the scary out of style. Because all you have to do to find your style is look at the clothing you’ve been logging - what you’ve actually been wearing - and that will represent your preferences, your color palette, what you love, and what you feel most comfortable in. Yep, that’s your style.


Now, inevitably once you store away clothes that aren't right for this season or that you're not wearing, you may feel like you have gaps in your closet. Write down areas that you're missing. Maybe you need a brown pair of boots because you got rid of a pair that didn't fit or a jacket because you don't own any. When you shop, hold your “style” in mind. When you're standing in a store, holding an item, be sure to pause. Be sure to think about what you will really wear, because you know that now. To see an item's interchangeability, try adding that item to your closet in the app and see how many outfits it creates and if it fits with your other clothing. 

Also, when you shop, be guided by all that clothing you just put in the give-away-box: if it’s not comfortable, if it’s not a color you love, if it’s not fitting quite right, then don’t buy it. This will save you one more donation trip and a whole lot of guilt. This freedom you feel - of not feeling compelled to buy something you don't really love just because it's on sale? That's the freedom that comes from having a capsule wardrobe. And the freedom you'll be enjoying oh so soon.

Capsuling isn't a one-time closet cleanout. It's a lifestyle - of shopping more intentionally and loving everything you wear. We want to help you choose this lifestyle every single day.

Welcome to Cladwell. Start living a bigger life with a smaller wardrobe.

Ready to create a capsule wardrobe? Sign Up for the Capsule Wardrobe Program.